Saturday, December 25, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Menyambut Salim Group

Kemarin kita disambut sama Melbourners dan sama-sama makan bareng di 3Kingdoms Boxhill.
Anggur yang dibawa pak pembalap cukup menghangatkan kita yang salah kostum (katanya summer kok yo atis)

Silahkan dinikmati.



Resto Three-Kingdom, boxhill. Tempat ndak cukup.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lane Cove National Park

Warga Ftje-Sydney baru saja kumpul2 di Lane Cove National Park, cuaca sangat cerah suhu udara 21C....

Oom Wasi dan manuknya :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Beli mobil secara privat (Vic)

Membeli mobil secara private (tidak melalui dealer) bisa dapat lebih murah, namun ada beberapa hal yang mesti dilakukan secara hati-hati:
  1. Check VIN di website Vicroads, make sure mobil ndak hasil colongan atau masih ada utangannya. Ini beda paling mendasar dibanding beli dari dealer. Namanya "Vehicle Status Check":
  2. Check registry untuk make sure tidak ada utangan atau write-off untuk mobil tsb di PSSR website. Biayanya sekitar $3
  3. Roadworthy certificate (RWC) adalah wajib. Make sure si penjual mau mencari RWC. Jangan sampai pembeli yang cari RWC karena bisa-bisa untuk memperbaiki mobil butuh dana ribuan dollar.
  4. Inspeksi mobil baik sasis maupun mesin. Paling aman pakai jasa professional inspection RACV

    Kalau mau inspeksi sendiri bisa mengikuti checklist ini:
  5. Kalau sudah agree dengan price, minta penjual untuk mengisi Vehicle
    Transfer form
  6. Bayar mobil dan minta tanda terima.
  7. Bawa transfer form ke Vicroads dan bayar Transfer fee.

Ditulis - 22/9/2010
Update - 9/5/2012

Thursday, September 9, 2010

FTJEnet Crispy Pork a'la GusBin'91

Great "Char Siu" should be light-dry, crackling,
crispy, and layered.

This is undoubtly the most popular dish of ftje-oz gatherings. This one is a minimalist and foolproof version to cook crispy-skin pork. The more elaborate method is available here, and preferred more by Gusbin'91 (crispy pork masterchef & founder).

  • Buy 1kg pork belly from the local butcher, and do not ask him to score. Do not wash.
  • Score into squares so it's easier to cut later (and let the fat cook the skin). Not too deep, and should not touch the meat part.
  • Sprinkle salt (can be normal salt/sea salt) and cover with paper towel for 5 minutes. The salt will suck the moisture out of the skin, and the paper towel will suck even more. Do this twice to get extra-dry skin which is the prime requirements for "crackling"

  • Sprinkle salt throughout the prepared meat
  • Pre-heat oven to 225-230 °C and put the meat low enough to allow even distribution of heat. Use top heater only. Cook for 10-15 minutes. It should come out like the picture on right above.
  • Optionally brush a bit of Chinese cooking wine on the skin part (not too wet!). Normally I use paper towel to do this and not a brush. Sprinkle bit more salt and back in the oven.

  • Continue to cook at 225-230 °C for another 10-15 minutes until the skin all crackle and bubbly like above. Observe closely! as the transition between well-crackling and burnt black is very quick.
  • Once the skin is all blistered and you see a hint of burnt section, set the oven temperature down to 120 °C and continue cooking for 45-60 min. This is to allow the meat to cook fully without burning the skin.
  • Once done, put in a plate and leave alone for 20 minutes. Do not be tempted to cut before this time as it will be too juicy and ruins the dryness of crackling. Do not wrap in foil.

There you go... and eat in moderation (if you can) AW'90

Monday, August 2, 2010

Kunjungan Tokoh '91: Cik Dian dan Nurdin

Baru seminggu ini Cik Dian'91 resmi pindah ke Tanah Terjanji, menikmati kasih sayang tante Jilat...Kebetulan Nurdin'91 juga lagi tugas di Port Kembla, jadi kita adain reuni kecil2an di KIAMA....

Foto & reportase: Veris'92

Friday, June 18, 2010

Kunjungan bos Ericsson ke Melbourne

Menyambut kedatangan Guntur'91 yang kedua. Kali ini ditemani istri. Makan sampai kewaregen di China Town, dan seusai itu ke pub sebelah untuk menikmati bier. Nyam.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Visiting Yehez' new house at Mill Park

Thank you buat tuan dan nyonya rumah, yg menyediakan rumahnya utk kami acak2 :)

... & handel pintu jebol ...

missing in pic: HHT'88

Sunday, February 28, 2010

GusBin'91 Housewarming

Bocah-bocah: Martin, Andrew, Timmi, Michael, Ferryn, Ariel, Sasa
Nyonyah-nyonyah: Elisabeth (Nyah BH), Evi (Nyah Andi), Lenny (Nyah HHT), Vivi 93 (Nyah Agus)
Bapak-bapak: Pak Panglima, Pak Pembalap, HHT, Herman (penyelundup)